Sycomore ǀ Human Rights Policy

In Short
To support their commitment towards building a more sustainable and inclusive economy and to complete our set of Natural Capital, Social Capital and Societal Capital strategies, Sycomore AM has drawn up a Human Rights Policy aligned with the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
Since these principles were written and approved by the UN’s Human Rights Council back in 2011, it has become increasingly apparent that across investment activities, human rights considerations are of fundamental importance for the promotion of financial products meeting environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG).
Issues relating to human rights are mostly found within the “S” pillar – covering industrial relations, diversity, health and safety, local communities or forced labour. However, human rights should not be viewed through the prism of social considerations alone. Many environmental governance issues, including access to water, fair taxes or climate justice also touch upon human rights. At Sycomore AM, for many years, these issues – as well as the respect for human rights – have been analysed and discussed with companies as part of our shareholder engagement. With the publication of Sycomore AM’s human rights policy, our aim is to take this stewardship one step further and to provide a more structured framework for our human rights approach, in keeping with the guidance offered by the UNGP.